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Forward Looking Workshop: March 2011

The Forward Looking Workshop on Mathematical Geosciences convened in Crystal City, Washington, D.C. on Sept. 16-17, 2011, following a discussion at the Forward Looking Session at the SIAM Geosciences Conference in Long Beach, in March 21-24, 2011. The organizing committee included

  • Malgorzata Peszynska (Oregon State University), Chair, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences
  • Junping Wang (National Science Foundation), Program Director, Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Frank Giraldo (Naval Postgraduate School)
  • Michel Kern (INRIA), Program Director, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences
  • Ivan Yotov (University of Pittsburgh), Vice-chair, SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences

The workshop was devoted to presentations and discussions of research and methodological challenges arising at the frontier of geosciences and mathematical and computational research. Participants discussed models and opportunities for successful collaborations that could be supported by interdisciplinary National Science Foundation (NSF) programs such as the past program on Collaboration in Mathematical Geosciences (CMG). The participants worked towards formulating the White Paper summarizing the findings and recommendations. The paper was edited by the Organizing Committee with input provided by the speakers and session leaders and by the participants at large.

Materials from some of the presentations is available via the links:

  1. Junping Wang (National Science Foundation): Introduction to the workshop
  2. Clint Dawson (The University of Texas at Austin): Mathematical and computational issues in coastal modeling
  3. Alistair Adcroft (Princeton University): High order remapping, the spurious mixing problem, and heat uptake in ocean models
  4. Martin Truffer: The role of mathematics in glaciology: Ice sheet modeling and inverse modeling
  5. Ken Golden (University of Utah): Sea ice, climate, and multiscale composites
  6. Olivier Pauluis (New York University): Reconstructing the global circulation using the Statistical Transformed Eulerian Mean
  7. Amik StCyr (Shell): Geosciences and Computing in the Industry
  8. Martin DeHoop (Purdue University)Imaging and nonlinear inverse problems in seismology with large data sets
  9. Jeroen Tromp (Princeton University) Seismic Imaging based on Spectral-element and Adjoint Methods
  10. Todd Arbogast (The University of Texas at Austin): Some Issues in the Mathematical and Computational Modeling of the Earth's Subsurface
  11. Lou Durlofsky (Stanford University) Computational Challenges for Subsurface Flow Modeling and Optimization

The participants of the workshop were selected in the following manner: one group was invited by the organizing committee (to be both speakers and discussion leaders). A second group represented researchers involved to date in CMG-funded projects. Finally, a third group came from an open call issued to the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Activity Group on Geosciences. The workshop was run by the SIAM Conference services which facilitated obtaining funding for the workshop from NSF based on a proposal formulated by the workshop committee. The details about the workshop including a list of participants can be found in the White Paper.

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