SIAM AG 21 Proposed Minisymposia


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This wiki page is for informal coordination of minisymposia at SIAM AG21.

If you intend to propose a minisymposium, please email the title and names of organizers to the conference co-chairs (Hal Schenck and Josephine Yu).

Deadline for official submission: January 14, 2021 (11:59 p.m. Eastern Time).

Proposed Sessions

  1. Optimization and Algebraic Geometry I and II.
    Organizer: Gabor Pataki
  2. Algebraic Geometry of Data.
    Organizers: Luca Sodomaco and Kathlén Kohn
  3. Algebraic Vision.
    Organizers: Timothy Duff and Kathlén Kohn
  4. Commutative Algebra.
    Organizers: Alex Constantinescu and Thomas Kahle
    (To be specialized further later, in coordination with other commutative algebra sessions.)
  5. Algebraic Approaches to Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
    Organizers: Jane Ivy Coons, Aida Maraj, and Miruna-Stefana Sorea
  6. New Trends in Polynomial System Solving.
    Organizers: Margaret Regan and Simon Telen
  7. Algebraic Geometry and Machine Learning.
    Organizers: Jonathan Hauenstein, Yang-Hui He, Dhagash Metha, and Tingting Tang
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