SIAM AG 19 Proposed Minisymposia
Algebraic geometry for kinematics, mechanism science, and rigidity. Organizers: Matteo Gallet, Josef Schicho and Hans-Peter Schröcker.
The algebra and geometry of tensors I: general tensors. Organizers: Nick Vannieuwenhoven and Yang Qi.
The algebra and geometry of tensors II: structured tensors. Organizers: Elena Angelini, Enrico Carlini and Alessandro Oneto.
Euclidean distance geometry and applications. Organizers: Kaie Kubjas.
Algebraic aspects in the study of reaction networks. Organizers: Alicia Dickenstein and Elisenda Feliu.
Polynomial optimization and its applications I-IV. Organizers: João Gouveia, Simone Naldi and Timo de Wolff.
Algebraic and geometric methods in optimization I-II. Organizers: Jesus de Loera and Rekha Thomas.
Algebraic geometry of low-rank matrix completion. Organizers: Carlos Amendola and Daniel Bernstein.
Polynomial equations in cryptography and coding theory I-III. Organizers: Alessio Caminata and Alberto Ravagnani.
Coding theory and cryptography I-IV. Organizers: Alessio Caminata and Alberto Ravagnani.
Algebraic and graphical problems in the analysis of ancient DNA data. Organizers: Carsten Wiuf.
Latent graphical models. Organizers: Piotr Zwiernik.
Algebro-geometric aspects of graphical models. Organizers: Elina Robeva.
Algebraic methods for polynomial system solving. Organizers: Mohab Safey El Din and Éric Schost.
Algebro-geometric methods for social network modelling. Organizers: Kayvan Sadeghi.
Approximations of convex sets and applications. Organizers: Dogyoon Song and Yong Sheng Soh.
Applications of algebraic geometry to quantum information. Organizers: Frederic Holweck.
Combinatorics and algorithms in decision and reason. Organizers: Liam Solus.
Algebraic statistics. Organizers: Elizabeth Gross and Jose Rodriguez.
Tropical geometry and economics. Organizers: Ngoc Tran.
Tropical geometry in machine learning. Organizers: Gregory Naisat.
Tropical geometry in statistics. Organizers: Carlos Amendola, Anthea Monod and Ruriko Yoshida.
Computational tropical geometry. Organizers: Yue Ren.
Convex algebraic geometry I-II: Organizers: Greg Blekherman, Daniel Plaumann and Rainer Sinn.
Algebraic geometry in topological data analysis. Organizers: Nina Otter.
Numerical differential geometry. Organizers: Tingran Gao.
Syzygies and applications to geometry. Organizers: Laurent Busé, Yairon Cid and Carlos D'Andrea.
Algebraic methods in stochastic analysis. Organizers: Carlos Amendola and Anna Seigal.
Signature tensors of paths. Organizers: Joscha Diehl and Francesco Galuppi.
Symmetry in algorithmic questions of real algebraic geometry. Organizers: Philippe Moustrou and Cordian Riener.
Probability and randomness in commutative algebra. Organizers: Dane Wilburne and Christopher ONeill.
Structured sums-of-squares. Organizers: James Saunderson and Mauricio Velasco.
Massively parallel computations in algebraic geometry. Organizers: Janko Boehm and Anne Frühbis-Krüger.
Fitness landscapes and epistasis. Organizers: Kristina Crona, Joachim Krug and Lisa Lamberti.
Cluster algebras and positivity. Organizers: Lisa Lamberti, Khrystyna Serhiyenko and Lauren Williams.
Symbolic-numeric methods for non-linear equations: Algorithms and applications. Organizers: Angelos Mantzaflaris, Bernard Mourrain and Elias Tsigaridas.
From algebraic geometry to geometric topology: Crossroads on applications. Organizers: Jose-Carlos Gomez-Larrañaga (CIMAT, Mexico), Renzo Ricca (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy) and De Witt Sumners (Florida State University, USA).
Algebra, geometry, and combinatorics of subspace packings I-IV. Organizers: Emily J. King, Dustin Mixon and Nate Strawn.
Hyperbolic and stable polynomials. Organizers: Cynthia Vinzant.
Algebraic and combinatorial phylogenetics I-II. Organizers: Marta Casanellas, Jane Coons and Seth Sullivant.
Algebraic & combinatorial tools for neural coding. Organizers: Zvi Rosen and Nora Youngs.
Numerical methods in algebraic geometry. Organizers: Paul Breiding and Jose Rodriguez.
New developments in matroid theory I-IV. Organizers: Alex Fink (Queen Mary), Ivan Martino (Northeastern University) and Luca Moci (Université Paris 7 "Diderot").
Network coding and designs. Organizers: Daniele Bartoli and Anna-Lena Horlemann.
Algebraic geometric codes. Organizers: Daniele Bartoli and Anna-Lena Horlemann.
Sparsity in polynomial systems and its applications I-II. Organizers: Mareike Dressler and Timo de Wolff.
Efficient algorithms for geometric invariant theory. Organizers: Peter Bürgisser and Michael Walter.
Intersections in practice. Organizers: Martin Helmer (University of Copenhagen) and Corey Harris (MPI MiS Leipzig).
Random geometry and topology. Organizers: Paul Breiding, Khazhgali Kozhasov, Antonio Lerario and Erik Lundberg.
Applications of topology in neuroscience I-II. Organizers: Ran Levi and Kathryn Hess.
Symbolic combinatorics I-III. Organizers: Shaoshi Chen, Manuel Kauers and Stephen Melczer.
Geometric design for fabrication. Organizer: Helmut Pottmann.
Numerical methods for structured polynomial system solving I-II. Organizers: Alperen Ergur, Pierre Lairez, Gregorio Malajovich and Josue Tonelli-Cueto.
Multivariate spline approximation and algebraic geometry. Organizers: Nelly Villamizar and Michael DiPasquale.
Riemann surfaces. Organizers: Daniele Agostini, Türkü Özlüm Çelik, Christian Klein and Emre Sertöz.
Multiparameter persistence: Algebra, Algorithms, and Applications. Organizers: Matthew Wright.
Chip-firing and tropical curves. Organizers: Chi Ho Yuen (University of Bern) and Alejandro Vargas (University of Bern).
Geometry and topology in applications and data science. Organizers: Jacek Brodzki and Heather Harrington.
Applications of finite fields theory. Organizers: Giacomo Micheli and Violetta Weger.
Algebraic vision. Organizers: Max Lieblich, Tomas Pajdla and Matthew Trager.
Algebraic geometry for kinematics and dynamics in robotics I-II. Organizers: Sylvain Calinon and Noémie Jaquier.
Isogenies in cryptography. Organizers: Tanja Lange, Chloe Martindale and Lorenz Panny.