SIAM AG25 Proposed Minisymposia


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Here we collect minisymposia that have been proposed so far, as we are notified about them from the organizers. This is in the hope that coordination between organizers can happen already during the submission phase.

Please note: more proposals for minisymposia have been submitted than this list shows.

  • Algebra and geometry of the quantum many-body problem (Organizers: Taylor Brysiewicz, Fabian Faulstich)
  • Algebraic Geometry in Imaging (Organizers: Dan Edidin and Timothy Duff)
  • Algebraic Methods for Evolutionary Biology and Ecology (Organizers: Hector Banos, Elizabeth Gross, and Colby Long)
  • Algebraic Methods in Machine Learning (Organizers: Maksym Zubkov, Alex Grosdos, Jiyai Li)
  • Algebraic Structure in Numerical Computations (Organizers: Alvaro Ribot and Kexin Wang)
  • Combinatorial and Computational Aspects of Positive Geometry (Organizers: Dmitrii Pavlov and Elizabeth Pratt)
  • Discriminants in the sciences (Organizers: Emil Horobeț, Simon Telen)
  • Evaluating Integrals (Organizers: Giulio Salvatori and Bernd Sturmfels)
  • Gröbner, SAGBI, and Homotopy Continuation Methods for Polynomial Equations (Organizers: Barbara Betti, Viktoriia Borovik, and Paul Breiding)
  • Intersections of TDA and Algebraic Geometry (Organizers: Gregory DePaul)
  • Learning from relational data: the algebraic and geometric perspectives (Organizers: Debdeep Pati and Sonja Petrović)
  • Matroids and applications (Organizers: Connor Simpson and Zvi Rosen)
  • New Frontiers of Geometry and Combinatorics in Machine Learning (Organizers: Laura Escobar, Patricio Gallardo, Javier González-Anaya, José L González, Guido Montúfar, Alejandro H Morales)
  • Nonnegativity and Polynomial Optimization (Organizers: Timo de Wolff, Mareike Dressler)
  • Numerical and certified methods in algebraic geometry (Organizer: Kisun Lee)
  • Phylogenetic networks (Organizers: Max Hill, Shelby Cox)
  • Real and Positive Tropical Geometry (Organizers: Marta Panizzut, Kemal Rose, Máté Telek)
  • Real solutions in numerical algebraic geometry (Organizers: Emma Cobian and Maggie Regan)
  • Tensors in Algebraic Geometry (Organizers: Chia-Yu Chang (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse), Sarah Eggleston (University of Osnabrück), Cosimo Flavi (University of Firenze), Tim Seynnaeve (KU Leuven))
  • Toric Geometry in Algebraic Statistics (Organizers: Aida Maraj, Carlos Amendola)
  • there are a few coding theory related minisymposia being proposed.

If you have more information than is listed above, and wish to post it but can't log in, please email !

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