Contents |
- Conference home page: http://www.siam.org/meetings/cse09/
- CS&E Education Panel, March 4, 2009
- SIAG/CSE Business Meeting, March 5, 2009, 6:45 PM - 7:15 PM, Symphony II/III
Links to Slides from Talks
Plenary Talks
- Madhav Marathe, "Co-evolving Complex Networks: Epidemics in Social and Wireless Networks", March 2, 2009. (Presentation PDF)
- J. Tinsley Oden, "Simulation-Based Engineering Science: The Growing Revolution in Modern Engineering and Scientific Discovery", March 3. 2009. (Presentation PPT)
- Karsten Urban, "Numerical Optimization in Engineering Applications", March 3, 2009. (Presentation PDF)
- William Oberkampf, "Perspectives on Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification", March 4, 2009. (Presentation PDF)
- John Shadid, "Newton-Krylov Solution Methods for Multiple-time-scale Multiphysics Systems: Transport/Reaction and Resistive MHD", March 5, 2009 (Presentation PDF)
- Jane White, "Infectious Disease, Heterogeneous Populations and Public Healthcare: the Role of Simple Models", March 5, 2009. (Presentation PPT)
- David Bailey. "Experimental Mathematics, Multicore Processors and Highly Parallel Computing", March 6, 2009. (Presentation PDF)
Other Talks
- MS86: David Keyes, SIAM’s Role in Supporting and Developing Computational Science & Engineering, Minisymposium 86: Graduate Education in CS&E: Needs, Trends, Risks, and Chances, March 2009. (PDF)
- CP6: Tammy Kolda, CPOPT: Optimization for Fitting CANDECOMP/PARAFAC Models, Contributed Session CP6: Data Analysis, SIAM CS&E Conference, March 2009. (PDF)
- CP15: Song Li, Optimization and Parallelization of FIND Algorithm, Contributed Session CP15: Linear Algebra, SIAM CS&E Conference, March 2009. (PDF)