CSE11 Business Meeting


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[edit] SIAG/CSE Business Meeting Minutes

Thursday, March 3, 2011, 6:45 pm – 7:15 pm

Reno Ballroom of Grand Sierra Resort, Reno, Nevada

by Susan Whitehouse

New SIAG/CSE officers Chair Kirk Jordan, Vice Chair Carol Woodward, Program Director Karen Wilcox, and Secretary Luke Olson were introduced. Outgoing officers Tammy Kolda and Ulrich Ruede were thanked for their service to the community.

The SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering is growing linearly. While the number of minisymposium participants is about the same, the number of poster submissions is up and the number of contributed sessions is down. The poster blitz and poster session were popular and well attended. Students make up about one quarter of the conference participants.

The SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and Engineering is the largest SIAG and is growing. The activity group would like to increase the number of members from outside the United States. CSE11 conference attendees are encouraged to join SIAG/CSE.


  • SIAG/CSE charter renewal due in 2012.
  • Next SIAG/CSE election of officers will take place in 2012. Send suggested nominations to the current officers.
  • There is an electronic mailing list for all members of SIAG/CSE. Only members may participate in the discussion. A number of people wanted to know why their messages were not accepted. It is because the system recognizes a member of SIAG/CSE by the email in each person’s membership record in the SIAM database. To avoid duplicate messages, the system automatically eliminates sending emails to anyone who has already been copied on a message.
  • Looking for volunteers to help run the SIAG/CSE wiki. Contact SIAG officers if interested.
  • Looking for good stories for SIAM News about the impact your work has had in other areas. Email suggestions to SINEWS editor Gail Corbett.

Co-chairs for CSE13 in February/March of 2013 will be Karen Wilcox and Hans Petter Langtangen. Locations under consideration for CSE13 include New Orleans, Tampa, Austin, and San Antonio. The program committee is being formed. Email any suggestions for topics to Karen Wilcox or Kirk Jordan.

SIAG/CSE will offer a track at the 2014 SIAM Annual Meeting. A track is a series of four to five mini-symposia and a general session speaker. To facilitate this, SIAG/CSE will have a representative on the organizing committee for AN14.

The 2011 SIAM/ACM Computational Science and Engineering Prize was awarded to J. Tinsley Oden.

The Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering Prize will be awarded to a student during CSE11. Should SIAG/CSE consider having a student prize, as many other SIAGs do? Send your comments to the SIAG/CSE officers.

Are publishing needs of the CSE community being met by SIAM? The scope of CISC has been widened to include a third section on HPC and software.

What role should SIAG/CSE play in government policy, education, and career guidance? SIAG/CSE plans to develop a template to collect information on CSE’s impact and will share with the community.

SIAG/CSE considering updating the Petzold report on Graduate Education for Computational Science and Engineering last done in 1998. If interested in working on this project, contact SIAG/CSE officers.

SIAG/CSE is your activity group. Get involved and bring forth ideas. Let the SIAG/CSE officers know how they might help you. Are there other possible activities the SIAG should be considering?

SIAM’s newest activity group in Uncertainly Quantification has recently formed. Memberships in SIAM and activity groups (SIAGs) are a good way to be seen and be remembered in the community.

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