Winter 2014


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Winter 2014

Today's Editor: Naoki Saito

Today's Topics:

1. A Message from a new SIAG/IS chair

2. 2014 SIAG/IS Prize Awarded to Profs. Bruckstein, Donoho, and Elad

3. 2014 SIAM Imaging Science Conference Registration



1. A message from a new SIAG/IS chair

Dear Colleagues,

Following Christine De Mol's two successful years as SIAG/IS chair, I was elected to this position and started this job on Jan. 1st, 2014.

The following members of the SIAG/IS committee were also newly elected:

  • Vice Chair: Peter Kuchment <> (Texas A & M);
  • Program Officer: Rebecca Willett <> (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison);
  • Secretary: Marcelo Bertalmio <> (Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain).

I would like to thank the former committee members who completed their two-year term on Dec. 31st, 2013:

Chair: Christine De Mol (Univ. Libre du Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium)
Program Officer: Fadil Santosa (Univ. Minnesota)
Secretary: Justin Romberg (Georgia Tech)

for their fantastic work!

As of 12/31/2013, the SIAG/IS has 559 members (326 non-students; 233 students) Our membership has been decreasing monotonically from its peak in 2010 (745 members = 373 non-students; 372 students), which mainly due to the decrease of our student members. We were told that this decline of the student membership is not specific to our activity group: many other activity groups are facing the same issue. We would like to reverse this trend and ask you for suggestions.

Your active participation in the following activities is what will keep SIAG/IS stronger, so please help us by doing so!

* Participate in the Biennial SIAM Imaging Science Conference by
   - Organizing minisymposia;
   - Proposing minitutorials;
   - Submitting contributed talks.
* Participate in the business meeting that is usually held in the evening of
  the second or third day of the SIAG/IS conference
* Nominate excellent papers for the biennial SIAG/IS Prize
* Submit your nice research images for an "Image of the Month" competition to be
  posted on our website:
* Submit useful information for the SIAG/IS members via sending a message to  Job openings, conference and short-course
  announcements, recent book publications and PhD thesis announcements are
  welcome along with other items of interest to the entire SIAM imaging
* Nominate excellent young IS scientists once we establish the SIAG/IS Early
  Career (or Young Scientist) Award.  In addition to the existing SIAG/IS
  Prize, I believe that establishing the SIAG/IS Early Career Award for young
  IS scientists (upon the approval by the SIAM Major Awards Committee) would
  certainly encourage young IS scientists to achieve further excellence.
  As a matter of fact, several SIAG groups already have such awards, e.g.,
  Control & Systems Theory; Financial Mathematics and Engineering; Geosciences;
  Supercomputing, etc.
* Submit your ideas to improve our SIAG/IS page: .
  For example, if you have taught imaging science related courses and are
  willing to share your course webpage containing the syllabus and/or course
  material, etc., please let us know.

I am also very interested in hearing what ideas you have for promoting more interactions among the SIAG/IS members!

Sincerely, Naoki Saito <>


2. The 2014 SIAG Imaging Science Prize Awarded to Profs. Bruckstein, Donoho, Elad

The SIAG Imaging Science Prize Selection Committee selected the following paper for the 2014 SIAG/IS Prize:

A. M. Bruckstein, D. L. Donoho, and M. Elad: "From Sparse Solutions of Systems of Equations to Sparse Modeling of Signals and Images," SIAM Review, Vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 34-81, 2009.

The citation of this paper is: "For their fundamental contribution to the theory and practice of sparse representations and compressed sensing, and their popularization within the imaging science community."

The prize will be awarded to the authors of this paper at the SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (IS14), to be held May 12-14, 2014, at Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

The members of the selection committee for the 2014 award are: Naoki Saito (Chair, UC Davis); Liliana Borcea (Univ. Michigan); Peyman Milanfar (UC Santa Cruz); Gunther Uhlmann (Univ. Washington); and Michael Unser (EPFL, Switzerland).

Please join us to congratulate Profs. Bruckstein (Technion), Donoho (Stanford), and Elad (Technion) for this award and their contribution to the community!


3. The 2014 SIAM Imaging Science Conference Registration

The 2014 SIAM Imaging Science Conference will be held on 12-14 May 2014 at Hong Kong Baptist University. This will be the 7th such conference, and there will be a large number of exciting talks at an exciting location. We would like to note that the pre-registration deadline is February 17 2014 in order to get the 50% discounted registration fee. So, please register early particularly if you are giving a talk there. The registration website is: .

Hope to see many of you there!

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