SIAM AG 21 Proposed Minisymposia
This wiki page is for informal coordination of minisymposia at SIAM AG21.
If you intend to propose a minisymposium, please email the title and names of organizers to the conference co-chairs (Hal Schenck and Josephine Yu).
Deadline for official submission: January 14, 2021 (11:59 p.m. Eastern Time).
- Submission Site (Conference Management System)
- Call for Participation (Please read the Minisymposium section.)
Proposed Sessions
Optimization and Algebraic Geometry I. Organizer: Gabor Pataki
Algebraic Geometry of Data. Organizers: Luca Sodomaco and Kathlén Kohn
Algebraic vision. Organizers: Timothy Duff and Kathlén Kohn